On Sustainability of Peruvian Andinism

The Peruvian Cordilleras are being visited every year by more and more climbers and trekkers. The most popular climbs and treks around Huaraz, Cusco or Arequipa are at risks to show wear and tear. It is the responsibility of both local and visiting communities to protect and keep clean these amazing ecosystems and to sustainably develop tourism economies.
Structure of Peruvian Andinism:
The Mountain Institute (TMI) based in Huaraz brings a quarter century of scientific, field-based experience to address challenges and opportunity facing mountain cultures, communities and conservation. TMI coordinates integrated education, community development, and cultural and natural-heritage conservation programs in the Himalayas, Andes, and Appalachians - the world's highest, longest and oldest mountain ranges respectively. TMI's Andean Program aims to culture build the capacities of institutions, communities, and individuals to design, implement, and monitor community-based programs throughout the Andes.
The Asociación de Guías de Montaña del Peru (AGMP) has been working for more than 20 years with the UIAGM to raise the level of training and expertise of the Peruvian andinism. Above 100 certified-guides are available for hire, freelance, through the Casa de Guias, or through agencies. Guiding prices are around USD 80 per day, but varies depending peak grading. The Casa de Guias de Huaraz (AGMP-RA) gather 85 guides and is well suited to promote sustainable mountain activities in the Huaraz area. On top of providing mountain informations, it can mobilise a rescue using the PGMA network. The AGMP RC (Cusco) gathers 7 guides and the AGMP RAQ (Arequipa) gathers 8 guides.
National and local authorities are playing an active role in protecting the eco-systems but limited actions to sustainably develop touristic activies. The SENARP established in 1975 the Huascaran National Park with the purpose to protect and conserve flora, fauna, geologic features and archeological sites, as well as managing the use of the park by trekkers, climbers and sightseers. The first aspect is well full-filled as attest the designation by UNESCO of International Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site as early as 1985. However, the development of touristic activities are controversial, as efforts from the Park administration to address problems caused by increased use of the more popular base camps are limited. Furthermore local communities are not benefiting from the touristic resources in there valley.
Sustainability of Peruvian Andinism:
* Promotion of Peruvian Andinism internationally is inexistant. Governemental and local authorities should coordinate this activities
* Problems caused by increased use of the more popular base camps, due to growing numbers of climbers especially in the Quebrada Santa Cruz to Llanganuco, is also a major concern. Although financing of improvement projects (eg. base camp toilets, ...) has started in 1997 with the set up of entry fees (NPS 65), initiatives remain sometime illogical - too bureaucratic.
* To improve sustainability of economic developments in Huaraz and the valleys, the administration of the Parque Nacional Huascaran should invovle local communities in environmental activies and touristic services. Individuals initiatives are usually slowed by bureaucratic measures. For example, a project for sustainable farming and tourisitic activities is being promoted by Christian Silva Lindo, a Huaraz aspirant-guide. "Pack Your Sense" includes productions of truits, woods and coca liquor by local communities, education programs of these local communities by certified-volonteers, and sustainable hostelling and touristic services to visiting communities. Located as the base of the Quebrada Ishinca, the administration of the Parque Nacional Huascaran should take measures to faciliate the implementation of such projects.

* Alfredo Quintana Figueroa, MountClimb, Huaraz, 06.06.09
* Christian Silva Lindo, Aspirante Guia, www.breaking the iceperu.com, 06.06.09
* The Casa de Guias, Huaraz, +43 721811
* The Mountain Institute, Andean Regional Office, Huaraz - tmiperu@mail.cosapidata.com.pe

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