On Sustainability of Bolivian Andinism

Despite the fact that the Incas worshipped mountains as gods, no evidence exists to suggest that Indians climbed in the eastern cordilleras of Bolivia. Some religion-based fear of mountains remains, along with a legend that an Indian shepherd climbed Illimani, never to return. The absence of climbing activity continued after the Spanish conquest, again, unlike in other Latin American countries. First ascents in Bolivia were attempted in May 1877 by French geographer Charles Wiener on Illimani. This attempt was the birth of andinism in Bolivia.
Although the Club Andino Boliviano was created in the 1930's, Andine tourism really took off in the 1960's, only to remain confidential with regards to affluence in other Andean regions. Today, only couple of thousands of Andinists climb in Bolivia, and these concentrate on peaks around La Paz, chiefly Huayna Potosi
Structure of Bolivian Andinism:
The Association de Guias de Montana y Trekking is a structuring organisation that promotes professional montagnes services in Bolivia. It is one of the guides associations affiliated to the UIAGM in South America (the other being Peru and Argentina) and gather 20 guides and 13 aspirants. Beside quality guiding services, its role is to train Aspirantes and new recrues, and provide rescue services in mountains, as no public services exist. It collaborate internationally (ENSA, Val d Aoste, ...) on a number of projects to develop guiding services in Bolivia. It trains as well guides from Equator, Chile and Venezuella.
Other key actors are local communities. Neighbouring villages have developped services to suits local tourists needs, including Base camp facilities (trails, placements, toilets and water), porter and mule services. This is the case at Sajama, Illimani, Sorata and Huayna Potosi.
However, under the Bolivian legislation, tourist agences still play a pivotal role as they are the compulsory contracting entities for tourists. Guides, porters, mules and vehicules need to be contracted via agencies.
The Club Andino Boliviano (calle Mexico, La Paz), which was founded as early as the 1930s, has lost influence. It traditionally focused its activities on skiing around La Paz, and with glacier melting and the closing of ski resorts in the early 2000s, the CAB does not play any significant role in the development of Andinism.
The Authorities have not been really concerned with the development of mountains activities in Bolivia todate. As a results, little legislations regulate mountains services.
Sustainability of Bolivian Andinism
Agencies are very active in the street of La Paz, but do not play the structuring role they should in developing Bolivian Andinism:
* They are highly fragmented and do not significantly raise the voice of Bolivian Andinism internationally - need to raise awareness of bolivan Andinism
* They focus on providing logistic services at low costs to tourists, jeopardising safety by prefering porters to guides - need for efficient regulations on guiding services
Environmental impact of Andine tourism is limited as the mass of tourists is low, and both visitors and locals are acting increasingly responsibly.
* Main base and high camps are equiped with toilets and running water were possible
* Garbages and plastic residues are collected adequately

* Aldo Riveros, Presidente, Asociacion de Guias de MontaƱa y Trekking de Bolivia , 21.05.2009
* Alain Messili, The Andes of Bolivia, 2005
* Yossi Brain, Bolivia, 1999

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